Three Nurses Signaling Hearts With Hands

Likas Nursing Offers Medical Escort Services

Imagine that you are elderly, frail, or feeling weak, either because of surgery, pain, or chronic or acute illness. Imagine that you have a loved one who is as such, and place yourself in his or her shoes. You need to get to a medical appointment, but you don’t know what questions to ask, you tend to be forgetful about what doctors say, or you may have some concerns that you’re worried you will not be able to articulate. If this is you (or your loved one), then perhaps a medical escort is the best option for you.

Elderly Man With Baby Holidays

Hearty, Healthy Holidays with our Elderly Loved Ones

The holidays are a time for gathering with family and friends. But even though it is the season to be jolly, this particular time can be difficult on elderly people’s health, as schedules might be disrupted for trips, shopping, and rich and decadent feasts. This can mean disrupted medication and sleep schedules and can make it harder for them to stick to a healthy diet. Large gatherings can also be the source of infections, and this doesn’t bode well for their immune system as well. Here are some tips for our senior loved ones to stay healthy during the holiday season.

Eye Exam Woman

Cataracts in the Elderly: A Bird’s-eye View

One of the most common eye conditions in the elderly are cataracts. The most common type of cataracts are age-related, called senile cataracts. This happens when the lens in your eyes, which used to be clear, becomes cloudy due to the degradation and clumping of proteins. Over time, this cataract worsens, and you will require surgery and an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) in place.

Elderly Man Keeping Active

Tips for Taking Care of the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Even though the novel coronavirus is a health risk for everyone, most studies now show that the elderly population is more at risk. This is likely due to a weaker immune system and the presence of comorbidities. Some of our older loved ones have remained either isolated in nursing facilities or in their own homes, while some have been sent back to relatives for care due to the coronavirus outbreak. Wherever your loved one is, here are a few tips to help you care for them during this pandemic.