Eye Exam Woman

Cataracts in the Elderly: A Bird’s-eye View

One of the most common eye conditions in the elderly are cataracts. The most common type of cataracts are age-related, called senile cataracts. This happens when the lens in your eyes, which used to be clear, becomes cloudy due to the degradation and clumping of proteins. Over time, this cataract worsens, and you will require surgery and an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) in place.

Taking Blood Pressure

Hypertension in the Elderly

A recommended therapeutic target of <150/90 for elderly patients may seem too lax, but this supports the finding that a lot of these patients are taking too many medications for blood pressure without additional benefits in morbidity reduction. Instead, this adds unnecessary cost, compounds the risk for medication errors, and can result in adverse effects such as orthostatic hypotension.